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Not to worry is also an attitude

'Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.'

(Philippians 4:6)

Don't just say that you are at peace. Show through your attitude that you are at peace. Some confess living worry free but their actions clearly contradict what they are saying. Living 'worry-free' and living while seeking' the Kingdom of God first' is about attitude. Since God has promised that He would add to us what we need if we seek His Kingdom first and His righteousness, then why would He help us if we act worried and if we seek ourselves to solve our needs?

Certain people often do not understand why the principles of God don't work in their lives. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus tells us not to worry about life but to seek His Kingdom first in all things. He even tells us to look at the birds of the air and the flowers of the field as perfect examples of what a 'stress-free life' looks like.

The easy part in reading the message of Jesus is into confessing it. Confessing 'Philippians 4:6' is an easy thing to do but just confessing the verse is NOT what God requires of us.

Living 'worry-free' is an attitude. It has nothing to do with confessing.

Jesus never said: 'If you confess that you are worry-free,then I will add onto you all the things that your life needs...'

On the contrary, Jesus said: DO not worry, but seek His Kingdom first and His righteousness...'

The power of that principle can only be activated through our attitude. Sometimes we may confess in a morning prayer that we are stress-free and far from worry but it does not work that way. We have to live and act 'worry-free' while seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness first.

Look at the birds: 'they sing beautifully every day; they show through their singing the attitude of animals who are stress free. Believe me; even in times of war, the birds sing.

Living 'worry free while prioritizing the Kingdom' is not about what we confess in the morning or on Sunday, but it's about the way we show a stress free living.

Let us assume that you have a friend named 'Pelolo'. Your friend is a follower of Jesus but he is going through a rough patch in his life where he has some issues. When you meet Pelolo, he keeps telling you how 'he lives worry-free and follow the command of Jesus. But when you look at Pelolo, he does not appear to act 'worry-free'. He has hardly shaved, he looks like totally finished, he does not exercise anymore...As you visit his house, everything is upside down and disordelry....

Though Pelolo told you that he is 'worry-free', do you think that his attitude matches his confession?

Not at all.

Through his attitude, Pelolo has cancelled out the promise made by Jesus in Matthew 6:25-34. And many times over, we act like Pelolo: 'confessing it but not adopting it in our lifestyle.'

How many times people close the curtains of their house for fear of a creditor? How many times do we refuse to walk in a park and enjoy the weather because of our worries? How many times people fear to tithe due to their anxiety that crips in them? How many times people neglect their health and appearance because of their worries?

Verily I tell you:' we may confess being free from worry, but an attitude reflecting the dominance of worry in our lives, automatically cancels out the promise of God. It is similar to a lover who profess his/her love verbally but whose attitude contradicts his/her confession'.

So, do we have to deny the existence of our problems?

Not at all. You see, the positivists and new age philosophers encourage people to live in denial of their realities. A great American preacher named Bill Johnson once said:

'Faith does not deny the existence of a problem, but it denies it a place of influence'

In other words, we are aware that problems exist but we will not let them influence or master our outlook on life. That's what it means to be worry free. And that's what we all need to activate the responses of God to our needs. Many can't find the responses to their needs because their worries constitute a blockade between them and God's responses.

We are aware of the level of problems but this will not stop us from smiling, cracking jokes. We are aware of the level of debts in society but this will not lead us in reclusive living. We are aware of all the problems around us but this shall not stop us from enjoing a walk in the park while feeding the birds.

We can not stop our lives because of worries.

Worry is the weapon the Devil uses to stop you from living your purpose.

Deny its influence and live.



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