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From trials to lacking nothing

The apostle James wrote in the Bible:

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

(James 1:2-5)

I like the passage of James 1:2-4. And It's even more interesting that the apostle James automatically follows in verse 5 with: ' If anyone lacks wisdom...'

As if James envisioned the possibility that some people (not all) are in trials because they lack wisdom.

Trials are showing us what's missing. God wants each of his children to mature towards 'Sonship' (whether be female or male). Sonship is a spiritual state of adulthood where we dominate over the flesh and constantly abide to the Holy Spirit. As we live as mature Sons, we inherit everything from God (Reference Galatians 4:1-7)

Have you noticed that James mentions the word: 'maturity'?

James mentions the word 'maturity' first and follows it by the word 'complete'.

Let me explain what James meant:

'Would you give a huge inheritance to an immature child?'

I don't know about you, but I will rather wait until that child becomes a mature person and then give him/her the inheritance. It makes no sense for me to leave a rich inheritance to an immature person.

James mentions that perseverance in trials will make you 'mature' and then as a result, God can entrust you with your inheritance ( whatever He meant for you) so that you may become complete.

Some of us never get their prayers answered becaused they are still very immature...

How do you become mature?

'You become mature by following the voice of the Holy Spirit. Not your voice or reasoning or your gut feelings, but only by listening and obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit.'

Sometimes in life , we think we got it all until life trials expose what is lacking in us. So James emphasizes:

1. Be happy ( even though it's hard) because trials forge endurance but also show you what's missing. 2. Towards the end ( if you don't give up and remain perseverant) you will find what's missing. 3. As you come out, you will be complete: lacking in nothing.

There you go...keep the endurance.

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