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You were never appointed to be a Judge

I don't know what you have been waiting for since January. But here is a word for you:

' Judge not, that you be not judged.' ( Matthew 7:1)

Some of us have received the blessing or the answer to our prayers for a while now....but because we look at those blessings with a judgmental eye , we fail to recognize them and we don't let them in our lives.

How many times has God sent someone or something and we kept saying things like: ' it s too small,too big, too used, too damaged, too ugly, too foreign...'

We said those things without looking at ourselves ( Matthew 7:3-5)

There was a reason why Jesus was very strict about Judging.

'Judging' will obstruct your views in your Journey. 'Judging' will make you believe that you know it all while you still need to learn more about what/ who God sends to you.

Notice that Jesus also mentioned that ' the same measure we used to Judge others, will also be used against us'

Imagine that we reject the answers to our prayers because of our Judgement. What if the same measure we use to judge those answers, was also used against us?

Are you aware that some of us simply look good because we have never been caught and therefore some of our skeletons are well kept in a secret closet?

What would it feel for us to be judged the way we misjudge the answer to our prayers?

There are ministers who fail to go the destination God sends them, because of their judgement of the people they have to meet.

There are people who are still single because they can't stop judging.

Some will never enjoy the answer to their prayers, because when it (the answer) shows up, they always have a judgmental opinion to label it.

Looking at my very own life, I now accept this reality:

'I was never appointed to be a Judge of others'

And it's good, because I realize how my wrong judgments have clouded my vision in the past.

' Stop judging the good God is sending to you, and embrace the answer to your prayers'

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Maurice Kande 2018

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