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Your moment of temptation is only temporal

(This post is an extract from my new book: 'Wake up with a purpose: 34 devotionals to live the calling of Jesus with discipline and practicality', currently available on Kindle amazon )

There is a very instructive story in the Jewish Tradition and recorded in the Bible. It’s the story of two brothers born as twins and who were living in the ancient times on the Land of Israel. When they were born, the very first boy, who came out of his mother’s womb, was called Esau and the second one was called Jacob. They were both sons of a very wealthy man called Isaac. Eventually, Esau was considered as the first born, the eldest and the one who would inherit the ‘First Born Rights’.

In the Jewish tradition, the ‘first born rights’ refer to the family entitlements one receive from the father, such as material inheritance ( estates, money…) and all the best spiritual blessings ...

Esau was strong and had a passion for hunting while Jacob was the little lazy mama’s boy.Esau was originally destined to receive preferential treatment when his father would die. He was destined to inherit the major and best part of Isaac possessions.

But one day while coming back from hunting , Esau was so hungry. It actually turned out that Jacob met him during that moment of weakness. Esau was so hungry that he could do anything to get his hands on a good meal that would kill his temporal craving. Having understood that, Jacob stroke a deal with Esau that went like this:

‘I will give you a nice home made meal in exchange of your ‘first born rights’.

Esau probably did not see the gravity of the deal and said something similar to this:

‘To hell with my first born rights! You can have them! Just give me a good meal now and I will feel alright !’

The deal actually changed his life forever. Esau never inherited his father’s blessings. He was trumped by his Brother who managed to steal everything from him. He ended up as a herd with almost nothing and no future…all of this for a nice home made meal that would calm his temporary cravings…

You can read the story in the book of Genesis 25:19-34.

In life, there will be times where certain needful things will go missing temporarily. Things such as food, marital sex, water. clothing, money, etc...During those moments, the devil will attempt to provide for those needs through an illicit way and it will obviously seem right. However the devil's trade deal will come at a heavy price. Those who can't resist their temporal cravings like Esau, will fall apart and probably trade their destiny away.

You see my friend, one of the benefits of fasting is in the ability of controlling the flesh inclination towards natural needs. A believer who can deprive himself/herself from needs such as food through fasting, can easily control his/her body. By fasting successfully, a believer understands that the temporal absence of food and other physical needs have no ability to kill.

Some people strongly believe that temporary lack such as a night without dinner, two weeks without sex, a low bank balance, a missing shopping spree...will kill them. And to compensate the voids, they will go to great length to satisfy their temporary cravings.

How many marriages ended in divorce to satisfy a temporary sexual craving? How many honest people gave their soul to financial corruption to fill their bank balances? How many young students felt prey to sexual predators in order to respond to a temporal need? How many people have fallen into silly debts to respond to non-needful material cravings?

Do not be fooled or discouraged by the devil. In temporal moments of trials, you will not die. Just as the Bible has promised:

'No temptation has seized you that isn’t common for people. But God is faithful. He won’t allow you to be tempted beyond your abilities. Instead, with the temptation, God will also supply a way out so that you will be able to endure it'.

(1 Corinthians 10:13)

For every temptation, moments of lack you are experiencing, God will NOT allow you to be tempted beyond your ability. And the Bible has also promised that God will supply a way out so that you will be able to have hope and endure.

It's only temporal. Don't give into temptation in order to find your way out.

God has a way out for you.


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