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You are free to decide. Choose right.

A lot can be said about the will of God.

In the Book of Genesis 3, the Bible reports the story of the first sin:

'Adam and Eve who were both told by God not to eat from the 'sacred tree', are being tempted by the serpent (Satan) into eating the forbidden fruit. Sadly as we all know it now, Adam and Eve both ate from the tree with devastating consequences'.

You can read the story in the Book of Genesis chapters 2 and 3 for a full understanding.

The 'man's fall story' teaches us a lot of things about the will of God and the will of humans.

Check this out:' God tells Adam that he can have food from all the trees available in the garden of Eden but not from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-18)'

In spite of knowing what was the right thing to do, Adam still ate from the forbidden tree. But have you noticed that God does not even once stop Adam and Eve from eating the forbidden fruits? Astonishing , isn't it?'

The fact that God does not even try to stop them from sinning, reflects a clear principle by which God relates with humans: 'He does not violate our will and He wants us to make decisions through our choices. When God created us, He never wanted robots but people with the willingness to love, obey and serve Him'

Which one would you prefer the most between those two: 'a person who is forced to love you or a person who willingly wants to love you?'

I don't know about you, but I will rather be with the one who willingly wants to love me. It is the same thing with God who wanted humans in possession of a free will and desiring to love him without being forced to.

This explains why you and I could commit some of the worst sins, and yet, God will not come down and spank us like our grandmothers would do. However there is a catch in this truth and I will explain it later.

Secondly, if you take the time to read Genesis chapters 2 and 3, you will notice that Adam was warned and taught of what is the right thing to do before committing the mistake. This leads us to the second principle: 'God will teach you in advance of the right thing to do'.

The Bible is filled with God's teaching of life, every Sunday most of us go to church in order to hear His word, and others constanlty hear from God in various ways.

This is why He said in Deutoronomy 30:19 :

' I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.'

Notice that God wants real lovers, not robots. And He places two roads in front of us, He even warns us of the right way but ultimately He wants us to choose.

He wants us to choose in our marriage, career, the place where will live and so forth...but only after He weighs His opinion on our lives. We can't afford to marry someone against God's will, we can't afford to choose a city to dwell in against God's approval, we can't afford to live in our own terms against God's opinion....we can't afford that.

On a final note; many wonder as to why God would not come down and spank us in order to correct us. He does not need to do that.

Though there will be a judgement for the entire humanity in the future, our present choices and decision bear consequences. He told Adam what would happen if he disobeyed. He told the Israelites what would happen if they turned away from God.

The Bible quotes that 'the wage of sin is death' (Romans 6:23)

One more thing to remember: 'sin always looks good. If sin looked bad and ugly like a monster, nobody would commit to it. Sin is always attractive on the eye but when consummed, it turns our lives upside down.'

Choose right, choose life.

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Maurice Kande 2018

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