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Detach yourself through generosity

As sons and daughters of the Kingdom from above, we cannot afford to sink our heart in our earthly possessions. The attachment we manifest towards what we own, may become an entrance point through which the devil will squeeze and destroy our lives.

Think of this for a moment:

In Genesis 19, God vows to destroy 'Sodom and Gomorrah', a city filled with sinful behaviors. But when he sent his angel to save Lot and his family, the angel of the Lord clearly instructed Lot and his family to run away from the city without looking back. In verse 26 of the same chapter, Lot's wife looked back and was transformed as a mountain of salt. 'Looking back' was the symbol that she missed the city and regretted loosing her belongings to the devastation caused by God.

We cannot advance in our walk with God while refusing to give up on what He commands us to leave. Do you remember the story of the rich man and Jesus (Matthew 19:16-30)? I don't see anything bad about expressing 'a liking' for what we own. But it becomes dangerous when the love for our belongings stops us from obeying God.

Satan will use our strong bond towards what we own to torture us.

How many things were you required to give up in order to advance in your destiny? Have you managed to move on?

This is why I encourage people to exercise generosity through tithing, giving, offering, helping...Generosity exercises our soul at releasing ourselves from the love of what we own, so that on the day God will request of us to move away while giving up on certain things, our soul will be pre-exercised or detached from burdens' we own.

Many believers are not moving into their destinies simply because they are too attached to the city where they live, the money in their accounts, the cheating boyfriend they date, the unfulfilling job they do, the financial bond on their home...But if you exercise yourselves at being detached from what you own, then you will be an effective soldier.

Jesus even promised a return on our sacrifice (Mark 10:29-30)

Think of this for a moment:

Abraham was the first Bible character mentioned as a Tither (Genesis 14). In Genesis 13, Abraham parted ways with his nephew Lot because of their differences on how to share the land. But have you noticed that Abraham gives first preference to Lot in choosing his side of the land? If Abraham was self-centered and greedy person, he would have definitely chosen his plot ahead of Lot but he did not.

Abraham was not only a generous person but also an unattached man to his vast wealth. Giving was an art he had exercised and mastered. For such person, making a sacrifice to enter his destiny would not pose a problem. It explains why Abraham was able to give Isaac as a sacrifice and still believe that God would resuscitate him.

The unattachement of Abraham teaches us that 'giving' disciplines our spirit for greater Godly required sacrifice ahead in order to enter our destiny.

Do you really think that someone

would be able to quit his city and wealth for a greater calling if he is unwilling to give 10 bucks to a hungry neighbor or a beggar? It will not happen..not in a million years. If we are too attached to the little things we own now, we will not succeed to make sacrifice required to enter our destiny.

This explains why many believers fail to enter their purpose...

Unattach yourself...because the day will come where you will not be able to take with you what you own in order to advance in your purpose.


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