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How can Jesus be the driver of your life (a secret to his manifest presence)

One day, Jesus , after living for approximately 33 or 34 years on Earth, goes back to His Father in Heaven but before leaving, He left this instruction:

'Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

(Matthew 28:18-20, Berean Study Bible)

The above passage occurs after Jesus was given all authority in Heaven and on Earth. He was given the authority over every single thing in Heaven and on Earth. Only after receiving that power, that He commanded His disciples with the great commission.

At that point, the Lord was 'Jesus the Allmighty'.

How is the presence of the All Mighty Jesus always with us?

Because many tend to wonder as to where Jesus is. At times we travel through certain life situations and we wonder where the presence of God went to.

'Where are you Jesus?', we cry and shout

How is the presence of the 'All Mighty Jesus ' always manifest in our lives?

This is the secret:

'When Jesus meets with His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20, He informs them that all authority on Earth and in Heaven was given to Him. He then uses the word 'therefore' as a way of saying: 'because all authority was given to Me, I command (with the same authority to make disciples of all Nations)'

Then Jesus gives a clear indication on what we ought to do when making disciples:

1.We have to baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit

2. We have to teach them Jesus commands.

And Jesus added: 'And surely I am with you always,to the very end of age.'

As we follow through making disciples of all Nations, Jesus promises as a result that He is with us always. Notice that He did not say: 'I will be with you' but He says: 'I am with you'.

The command to make disciples is for everyone and not just for pastors or full time preachers.

How do we do that?

Simple: 'we preach the good news and we win souls to Christ. We baptize them and we teach what Jesus taught us. The problem with some of us remains in the fact that we want to complicate things when teaching others while all we have to do is to repeat what Jesus said in the Gospel. The reason why Jesus made His teachings simple, was to enable us to repeat them easily to others. You only need to repeat what Jesus said. You do not need a degree in theology, or a pastoral title to share what Jesus said to friends and families or acquaintances. We mistakenly think that we need a title to preach.

Have you noticed that Jesus said: 'Teach them to obey what I have commanded you'

Jesus never said:'teach them to obey the law of Moses or all the Prophets'

Jesus knew how complicated the Law of Moses and the Prophets could be. He has simplified the Law and the Prophets by saying:

This is the first and greatest commandment.And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments.”…

(Matthew 22:38-40)

Therefore, by teaching the commands of Jesus recorded in the four Gospels, you are teaching everything. And the teachings of Jesus are so simple that even the uneducated can repeat them. Everyone can evangelise and teach Jesus commands.

Just to clarify a few things, Christ has established the 'office of the teacher' (reference Ephesians 4:12 and 1 Corinthians 12:28) as a function of authority within His Body. The office of the teacher is endowed with authority and should not be confused with any believer's ability to teach Jesus commands. The same office of the teacher was endowed with the ability to decipher and explain doctrines, mysterious Bible passages, the Law and Prophets with authority within the Church. The office of the teacher tends to set a certain influence in the direction that the church takes and this is caused by the authority Christ has vested on officers of Bible teaching. These people are able to teach the complicated stuff in the Bible we fail to understand. As a few examples of people who hold the office of Bible teachers I would name individuals such as John Bevere, Kenneth Hagin, Smith Wigglesworth, Chris Oyakhilome, Diamant Kalonji, Watchman Nee, Bruce Wilkinson, Francis Chan, Derek Prince, Todd White and so many others....Their offices are set within authority. And James even warned us that not everyone should become teacher in his own leading:

'Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to control his whole body.'

(James 3:1-2)

James was referring to the office of the Teacher. As established teachers with authority, we (including myself) make mistakes now and then when we teach. And God will judge us more strictly. The sad part is that certain fellow venture themselves to teach doctrines they do not understand and for which they have not received an anointing of revelation. They will also be judged for it: 'strictly'.

Now, back to my original topics: 'the commands of Jesus can be taught by all believers without exception because Jesus as a Teacher has already explained and simplified them. All we have to do is to repeat them like Ambassadors would repeat the decrees of their own governments. The commands of Jesus are so simple that we can teach them on Sunday school.

The secret behind the manifest presence of Jesus:

When we share the Gospel and when we teach Jesus commands, we automatically become vehicles at the service of the Kingdom. Our vehicle becomes driven by Jesus Himself. And because Jesus becomes the driver of your vehicle (which is also your life), He will always ensure that fuel gets filled in the vehicle regardless of circumstances. Therefore He is with you as the driver and your vehicle (your life) keeps moving because you make it available to carry the packages and boxes of the good news to be delivered all around. The fuel Jesus pumps in your car makes your life move forward in all circumstances (bad or good). As you practice Matthew 28:18-20, even unemployment, death, economic crisis, or any circumstances will not stop your life from moving forward because Jesus is the driver.

I have seen it in my life.

Every believer is able to be a vehicle for Christ mission but not everyone makes themself available.

Make yourself available; share the Gospel of Jesus on social media, via emails, on watsap, in your family meetings, with friends, share my emails to friends (yeah!why not?),...make yourself a vehicle and let Jesus drive!

You will see the difference when Jesus drives your life.There is always 'fuel'.

That's the secret behind the statement: 'I am with you always till the very end.'


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