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This is how Wisdom gets vindicated.

When Jesus came on Earth, the pharisees totally despised Him. That was no secret.

When John the Baptist came to precede Jesus, the Pharisees also despised him.

John the Baptist came as a prophet to precede Jesus, he presented himself as a man of full discipline who often fasted to the point of being labelled as 'demon-possessed' by the pharisees. When Jesus arrived, He showed Himself as an approachable man of the people,partying and drinking wines with the common individuals. However, when the pharisees observed Jesus conduct, they would label Him as a 'glutton and drunk'.

As Jesus said in His own words:

To what will I compare the people of this generation?” Jesus asked. “What are they like? They are like children sitting in the marketplace calling out to each other, ‘We played the flute for you and you didn’t dance. We sang a funeral song and you didn’t cry.’ John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ Yet the Son of man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a drunk, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved to be right by all her descendants.”

(Luke 7:31-35)

The pharisees resemble very much to many of us. At times, God will send a special blessing not matching our expectation and we may find ourselves tempted to refuse God's gifts under the pretense that they do not fit our own human standards.

John the Baptist and Jesus were both 'blessings' from God and yet they did not fit the pharisees human standards.

We often make those mistakes when God's answer to our prayer shows up; we say things like: 'it's too short, too dark, too tall, too foreign, too little,too far ,ect...'

Certain people did receive the answer to their prayers, but because they were too reliant on their human measurement standards, they missed those blessings in 2017.

Our own human standard of measuring God's blessings is unfit and unqualifed to determine what's best for us.

And Jesus said in Luke 7:35: '...but wisdom is proved to be right by all her descendants'

Who are the children of Wisdom?

One of the main lessons from the entire book of Proverbs is the consideration that God and His wisdom give to those who obey. Those who obey are the children of Wisdom.

Wisdom starts with the Fear of the Lord. Anyone who lives in the Fear of God will never refuse a Heavenly sent blessing , package or instruction. And as they obey, their obedience will be plainly justified in the day light for every one to see that they were right in obeying God: 'that's how Wisdom gets vindicated'.

As God sends his instructions and blessings, we have to adopt the attitude of submissive children. And maybe the world around will be wondering as to why we decide to act the way we do by obeying God and accepting his Heavenly package. But throughout time, the wisdom in you, will be justified and will win for everyone to see.

Let's learn to adjust to God's instructions and blessings and let's accept them as they come.

God bless you.


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Maurice Kande 2018

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