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Living on purpose by overcoming fear

The trap of anxiety is probably one of the most subtle weapon of the devil. In the book of Numbers 13 and 14, the people of Israel was supposed to enter the Promised Land. But unfortunately, when they realized that the people living on the territory are seemingly stronger, the people of Israel gets submerged with anxiety, worry and fear. As a result, the older generation never entered... In several instances, God command us not to fear. Paul encourages us not to be anxious (reference Philippians 4:6) and Jesus forbids us to worry (Matthew 6:25-34). Do you know why people never realized their purpose in God? People usually never live their purpose because of those three things: 'fear, anxiety and worry'. It is true. In most cases, the refusal to do the will of God is rooted in those three elements and they trigger doubtful questions: Worry and anxiety: 'If I obey this command, how am I going to survive? How am I going to make it? Will people accept me?etc.... Fear: 'Shall I be alive? Shall I be ridiculed? is God saying the truth?'etc... The devil loves it when we become anxious, worried and fearful because those states of mind trigger the wrong decisions. Be bold and do the will of God in the midst of fear, worry and anxiety. Trusting God' also means believing in Him when nothing makes sense. By acting according to your fear, anxiety and worry, you are actually showing that you don't trust God. People don't do God's will, because they don't trust Him. On the contrary, they trust their fears. How long has it been? It's time to live in trust to God. Don't just say it, but show it. ---------------

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Maurice Kande 2018

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