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God will make a transfer in response to your faithfulness

Last year in December, I took the time to call one of my blog readers to wish her the best for the festive season. As we were speaking to each other, we engaged about talking on the subject of the parables of the talents. During the conversation, she said something extremely pertinent: 'There are people to whom God has commanded to bless you with their talents (talents could mean anything). But because they refuse to obey, God is going to take their talents and give them to you directly...' But the transfer will only occur within a specific condition... Keep reading and I will tell you what is the condition of the transfer. In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), there are three servants who are given talents or minas from their Master who takes on a journey. Out of the three, only two take the opportunity to invest their talents in order to get more talents in return. But one lazy servant decided to do nothing with his talent. When the Master returns from His journey, he calls the two hardworking servants: 'faithful'. However, He rebukes the lazy one and fires him in the darkness. Not only does the Master punishes the worthless servant but He also command that his one talent be given to the one who had produced the most. What is the lesson from this parable? First,you got to be aware that God is not patient forever. His patience has limits and we do not know exactly when does God's patience end (and that can be scary at times). The parable of the talents does not say for how long the Master went away but He came back in the end. Secondly, there are people to whom God has commanded to bless you, to assist you or to join forces with you. But because they are under the power of their flesh (or personal desires) rather than under the power of the Spirit, they refuse to obey God. By acting disobedient, they similarly act like the lazy servant who refused to put his gift to use. Those people confuse the mercy and patience of God with some sort of unlimited batteries, not knowing that God's patience has a limit. On the day that God's patience reaches its toll, God will transfer the talents He gave those disobedient people directly to you. But there is a condition: 'For the transfer to occur, you have to be faithful to your calling and the commands God gave you' As it shows in the parables of the talents, God will only add to the one who is faithful. It is one thing to be rejected or disappointed by common people. It is another thing to be rejected or neglected by people who were commanded to assist you... Simply because those people neglect or reject you, it does not mean that you have to become slothful. On the contrary, you must increase the level of your faithfulness towards what God has spoken upon you and towards the use of your gifts. And in due time (in this lifetime), a transfer will occur to you directly. After a careful reasoning, I concluded this: 'This world should be free from suffering because every human was granted with a gift to solve problems. BUT there are people who are led by the power of their flesh or personal desires and as a result they refuse to make their gifts available for the good of the humanity. Did you know that experts have discovered that there is enough money and food to quench poverty in the world but everything is concentrated in the hands of certain people and organizations that refuse to help... If you are faithful in your calling, if you are obedient to God, I declare upon you: 'It is time for a transfer!' And that transfer will come to you...only if you are obedient. I have been rejected and neglected many times in my Christian life and this is what I can tell you: 'Your level of obedience does not get affected by the reject,laziness, or neglect from other people. If they do not want walk with you, then you walk ahead. Just be obedient.' It will be a time where God will bless you directly. And if you have been commanded to bless, assist or join forces with someone, here is a warning: 'You better obey because if that person is faithful, even the little you have shall be taken away from you to the point where you might actually miss your purpose totally...' Just to be clear and to help you qualify for the transfer, you need to understand that faithfulness entails the willingness to live up to the requirements that God has for you. My most favorite version of Matthew 6:33 is found in the Good News Translation version and it says: 'Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what he requires of you, and he will provide you with all these other things.' Being faithful also means living accordingly to what God requires of us. When you live according to His requirements, you then become eligible for a transfer. Be faithful. Happy transfer!...

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