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On the will of God: 'Why this subject matters so much'

Somebody might be wondering why many of my texts focus on the will of God. If I had to answer to that question, I would give a few good reasons: *Firstly, Jesus clearly says that only those who do the will of the Father shall enter His Kingdom (reference Matthew 7:21). This reason alone forms already a compelling and serious reason to do the will of God. * Secondly, when we do not obey God's will, somebody (at the receiving end) gets hurt. If Jesus had refused to die at the cross, we would be hurt by that choice. If the Apostle Paul had refused to obey the calling of God, we would be hurt from his choice. If I refuse to write the messages I type, certain people will miss out due to my choice. You are surely saved in Christ because someone decided to obey Jesus call (reference Matthew 28:19-20) to preach the Gospel. If that person had refused to obey the call of Jesus, you would be hurt. The call of God upon our lives is not only to become 'pulpit preachers'. Everybody is called to evangelize and make disciples but in various ways; some are called to do it full time, others are called to do it while playing a secular role. Certain people have been called by God to be sports players, researchers, lawyers, politicians, etc...Even when God calls someone to play a part in a secular way, God wants that person to bring a solution to a problem faced by the world. Unfortunately, certain people refuse to follow the call. As a result of that disobedience, the world keeps suffering. 'I always believe that the cure to many diseases and the solution to many wars in this world are not materialized because some children of the Light have refused to obey the call of God by living their own lifestyle.' You see my friend, 'obeying God' is also an act of love towards others. We all have to be careful not to let our disobedience affect our families, friends, or strangers... * Thirdly, the will of God covers all our needs. I totally understand that for certain people, 'having food in their fridges' is noblest thing at the moment. I totally understand if someone is trying to figure out how he/she will pay bills this month... I totally understand if your moments of personal prayers get interrupted by personal worries. I will not act like a jerk ignoring the reality you face. While I am not ignoring the issues you face, I want to encourage you in elevating the order of your prayer. What do I mean by that? In Matthew 6:5-14, Jesus shows us how to pray (reference verse 9). If you read the prayer attentively, you will notice an exact order in the Lord's prayer and it goes like this: 1. The acknowledgement of our Father's holiness. 2. The request for His Kingdom to come. 3.The request for His will to be done. And then after those three elements, the request to get our needs met is addressed. In Heaven, everything is complete. By saying to God: 'Let your will be done on Earth (in my life), as it is in Heaven' , you are also requesting that your life be complete as it is in Heaven. When you request God's will, He will make it known to you. Please note this: 'the will of God is not 'something only designed for knowledge'. The will of God is primarily designed for application. Do you remember what Jesus said in Matthew 7:21 :...only those who do the will of my Father... When you pray, even in the midst of serious needs, I encourage you to elevate the order of your prayer by seeking his will and then also make your request related to your need. Based on my personal experience, the will of God 'pretty much resembles' to a package. Inside the package, the solution to your problem is found...BUT you will need to apply what you will hear. Often, when I face certain life crisis, I ask God: 'what is it that you want me to do?' (Notice that I am NOT asking: 'what is it that you want me to know'?) I cover extensively the correlation between the will of God and our needs in this post: Unrelated responses (Please note that the offer at the bottom of that post is no longer valid). Apply His will. *Fourthly, every time we do not obey God and every time we delay the application of his will, we automatically open a window for the thief (devil) to enter in our lives. Based on personal experience, many crisis I have encountered were caused by my past disobedience. Piling up disobedience is very similar to accruing 'arrears in unpaid bills'. We can ignore those unpaid bills but they will catch up with us sometime in the future. There are crisis that could be avoided if we obeyed years earlier. There are certain people, jobs,circumstance, negative opportunities that should have never crossed our paths if we had obeyed in the past. Sometimes we meet people who request prayers of intercession to solve their issues...BUT because of a past disobedience, a strong evil spirit remains and does not go away. Disobedience is like 'superglue' for demons. It helps them to stick in your lives. Certain people are stuck because of a disobedience committed in 1983,or 2000 or some years earlier....Since then, a demon entered their lives and got stuck with them. How to fix this: 1. Repent 2. Work on applying God's will in the present. HOWEVER, it may happen that certain past orders from God may become outdated (e.g: In 1976 God wanted Peter to be a rugby player but Peter disobeyed. In 2018, Peter repents but he cannot play rugby anymore...). If God's order becomes outdated (for some reasons), we still have to repent and find out what God wants us to do going forward. * And finally: Christian life is an adventure. The purpose that God has for you is similar to a movie script. You have to play according to the script. It will be so sad to realize that your entire life was missed. It would be so sad to have known the truth without applying it. How sad it will be to become old sitting on a chair and telling the grand children 'how you wished to have lived the purpose that God had designed for you...but you could not...' Think of it for a moment. Which story will you tell your grand children? Think of it.

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