Mid-year talk:'Only through faith shall you step in'
A while ago, God spoke to me and commanded that I purchase specific items for myself. In the beginning, I saw his order as being really irrelevant but as my soul has been trained to obey, I ended up buying them. As I kept those items with me, I could not really understand their value and the reason as to why God wanted me to have them. I kept them anyway. Months,weeks and days later, God commanded that I travelled for another city in order to relocate. As I heard from Him, my first thought was to prepare and set up for the right time and stand still (I don't like that expression) and all the other 'blah,blah,blah' as we often say when we hear God clearly but we try to fit God in our own timing. My idea was to plan financially and in a sound manner in order to travel. It was not a bad idea after all. I have a small consulting firm that generates me income. I had planned that I would use that income until it reaches a certain amount and then I will travel and relocate. It turned out that 3 months after I received the command from God, clients and opportunities became non-existent. Prospective clients were simply moving away while ignoring my service offers. It was so strange. And in the midst of it all, God started pressing me to move. I somehow spiritually sensed that the ennemy was fighting at blocking any meaningful tools of provision from coming to me... In response to His urgency, I told Him: 'Lord Father, I do not have the means to go and relocate.' God never replied to my concern. Usually, when God does not reply to an issue I consider as a concern, it simply means that He does not consider it as an existing issue and He will not addres it. That's between me and Him. If God did not reply to my concern, it means that it was not an issue. Suddenly, I needed to change my outlook by switching from my 'earthly eyes' to my 'faith eyes'. And in Faith I saw that God had already provided the means for me to do His will. My 'faith-eyes' directed me to the very items He told me to buy years and months ago. And I started selling them, thus raising means to relocate while the ennemy was blocking any meaningfull tools of provision. God, knowing that the ennemy would try to stop provisions, had already sneaked the tools to do His will. God gives answers to all questions, even to the ones that do not exist yet. He responds ahead. If I had not obeyed by buying those items, then the mission would have become a greater equation. I share this story because, we have reached the middle of the year and many people still think that having money, or more money is the only way to realize the dreams God planted in them. No, my friend. You will step into the Dreams of God through active Faith. The ennemy wants you to look at everything with your fleshly eyes that analyze the world and sense the real circumstances. If you measure your ability to do the will of God according to the circumstances around you, then you will never live on purpose. Your provisions for your purpose are contained in His will. Not in the state of the economy. Not in the government, not in the Bank but in His will. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 that as we seek His Kingdom and live according to His requirements, all the things we need shall be given to us. Sometimes, God's will does not make sense, but as time goes on, it will make sense. When your brain does not succed in understanding God's command, then let your Faith do the leading. In Daniel 10, a conversation between the prophet Daniel and an Angel, reveals that the Devil may at times delay your blessings by blocking them in the air as they come from Heaven. But rest assured that if you stick to God's orders day and nights (reference Joshua 1:8), God will sneak the responses to your problems way before they arise. You will then surprise the devil and none of his weapons shall have any effects on you (reference Isaiah 54:17). You will become a man or a woman who can shake the Kingdom of Satan even when there is no money. Even in the absence of money, your active faith will terrify Satan and you will get where God wants you to be. How long has it been since God spoke to you about His will- or your purpose? If there is something holding you back, my question is: 'Are you bold enough to sell those things?'. My question refers to the story of the young rich ruler who desperately needed a life of purpose but was too attached to his possesions (reference Luke 18:18-30). Are you bold enough to let go? Which one matters most: 'what you have or the will of God? Which one matters most:' what you don't seem to have or the will of God?' Are you going to be bold enough to the point of giving up what you have in order to get the treasure. Has Jesus not said: 'the Kingdom is like a hidden treasure that a man finds in a field. When he finds it, he hids it again.In His joy, he goes and sells everything that he has and buys that field' (reference Matthew 13:44-46). Do you value the purpose that God has for you? Do you value the dreams of the Father for you? Jesus knowing his rewards went to the extent of laying of his life to the cross. He accepeted the loss of his life which in fact was a true gain. We have to level up ourselves to accepting losses in order to access the purpose of God. It's been to long, don't delay anymore. ************************* To finish my story:' during my journey, a client suddenly sent a payment for a service she required. As I was travelling a payment came through.' When the devil realizes that your active faith (and not the money) is enough to accomplish God's will, he (Satan) will run short of ideas on how to block you to the point of being discouraged. Satan wants your faith, because utlimately it is the one thing that will get you moving when everything is gone. And your faith comes from what you hear. What you hear comes from the word of God (reference Romans 10:17) Just do as you heard.