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Pray for your ennemies

At times in life, we so wish that those who hate us could suffer more and more. We tend to wish that our ennemies could perish and suffer. As a result we curse them and we pray against them. We say all sorts of things against them...But Jesus said:

'But I tell you,love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.' (Matthew 5:44-45)

And the Apostle Paul added in Romans 12:17-21:

' Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”says the Lord. On the contrary:“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.'

Those two passages contain several 'facettes' explaining why we should forgive, not avenge. Jesus says we should love and pray for our ennemies that we may be sons of our Father in Heaven. It is in our own benefit to pray for our ennemies, since it really shows our 'sonship' towards God.

Secondly, the Apostle Paul also makes a similar recoommendation while adding another stron element. It is important to recall that Paul persecuted the church before his conversion. He first experienced forgiveness in his life during his conversion. After he had killed and persecuted Christians, he was received amongst them and even more: 'his writings constitute the major part of the Bible'.

Based on what Paul experienced, we can conclude that many people hardly serve God to their full potential because they do not accept forgiveness from God for all the wrongs they have committed. Had Paul remained with the feeling of guilt, I seriously doubt that he would have served the way he did. It really matters that we exercise love towards the people who offend us.

Thirdly, Paul clearly warns us to not let evil overcome us. As Holy Spirit filled people, we should always watch that our bodies be not filled with evil plotting mindsets for revenge. From the moment we choose to repay our ennemies with evil plans, we become overcome by evil. In other words, demonic possessions take over our bodies. Unfortunately, many unsuspecting Christians have fallen prey to demonic possesions by simply choosing to revenge with evil. Repaying 'evil' with 'evil' is a door for demons to enter in our lives. As a result of those demonic possessions, many have seen their lives falling apart in all areas. We have seen it several times in marriage, business, relationship, life in general...The devil constantly looks for ways to enter our lives. Do not open any door.

Laslty, the Apostle Paul wrote the following:

'Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”says the Lord.'

Jesus knows more than what we know about God's judgement. Most Bible scholars agree that Paul and John were the Apostles who saw more revelations than many other disciples and apotles in the Church history. When the Apostle Paul mentions the terms: 'God's wrath', it should then not be taken lightly and I will explain why.

Understanding God's wrath

'Revenge is mine' says the Lord.

From the time of Adam, the Bible clearly shows that what belongs to God belongs to God (period). When God told Adam to NOT eat from the forbiden tree, He clearly did not want anyone to touch His property. Throughout the Bible, God my Father, makes a clear claim on the 'first fruits/ Tithes' by saying that they belong to Him. Heaven belongs to God.

People or individuals who have worked at taking what belonged to God, alos paid a heavy prive for Not respecting God's property. Adam did, many of those who fail to Tithe also did. And according to Romans 12:19, 'revenge belongs to God'. Revenge for His sons and daughters belongs to God. Revenge is God's property.

What business do you have at touching God's property? By touching God's property, you act like Adam did by eating from God's tree. Do not look for troubles. Every time we take take God's property, demons enter our lives and we damage our relationship with God.

Let me tell you something about God's revenge:

'What kind of Person is capable to send a human soul in Hell for eternity?'

As humans, there is only a certain amount of pain we are ready to inflict to others. I mean seriously. Should you have the opportunity to send your harshest ennemy to Hell; for how long would you be willing to let him/her rot in the lake of fire? For 1 year, 2 years, 100 years? Unless we belong the class of people like Hitler, our human feelings will definitely tend to retract the punishment at a certain stage. This explains why the death penalty was removed in most countries.

But on the day God will send certain people to Hell...It will be forever. We sometimes demand that God feels like humans BUT He is not human. Numbers 23:19 says:

'God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent...'

God is not a man, and does not necessarily feel like we do. This is why we should be careful when we are tempted to pray against our ennemies. Do you really know what you are asking? Do you even realize that God does not feel like you.

And believe me: 'for those who have committed wrong to you, unless they repent and ask for forgiveness, God's wrath will come upon them.'

I see all the grudgy people jumping with joy but let me add this:

'If you had sinned against someone, you better repent...right now'

Because God's wrath is not something to gamble against. And even if it seems that your unrepentant ennemies seem to be doing well, take note of this: ' people are good at hiding their miseries. God's wrath always work. They may be driving beautiful cars but thay have no food at home or their car payments are late. They may be looking good but they cover up a disease running in their bloods...'

If you really knew what your ennemies are going through, you would beg God to forgive them: 'this is why Paul and Jesus wanted us to pray for them...'

God's wrath is horrible. if you committed wrong towards others, please repent and ask for forgiveness. Many have seen their lives falling apart not knowing the source of their troubles. It is time to repent.

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