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We were all called to serve

One of the best way to maximize the use of the Bible is to let the Bible answer to our most crucial questions.

For example, when we try to get a response to important issues of life, it is always important to ask the following:

'What does the Bible EXACTLY say about this issue?'

I promise you this:' every time you follow that questioning pattern, you are setting yourself up for deeper discovery in the study and practice of the Bible and for more Divine power.

Here is a very good question to ask regarding the leaders that God has appointed in the Church to preach and teach:

'What is the purpose of leaders who have been appointed by God to preach and teach?'

Now, many people may differ in their responses. And as result, the variation in responses may create debates and even create new denominations. The reason why there are so many divisions within the Church and on the internet, is because people prefer to seek responses in the intellect, in non-Bible inspired books, in TV shows and in many other sources while overlooking the Bible Itself.

Let us rephrase the question concerning the purpose of preachers and teachers appointed by God:

'What does the Bible say about the purpose of leaders He appointed to preach and teach?'

This is what the scriptures says in Ephesians 4:11-13 : ' So Christ Himself gave the apostles,the prophets,the evangelists,the pastors and teachers, to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ'

Did you read that?

Christ gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers to equip His people for works of the ministry. Preachers and teachers,apostles,prophets are meant to equip the people of Christ. In other words, their role is to build up the flock of Christ by distributing equipment or tools that will empower the people of Christ to serve in the ministry. On the other hand,when we listen to them or receive service from them, we should constantly ensure ourselves to take with us tools or equipment that will assist us for the ministry. As we are equipped for the ministry and when we decide to serve, this will happen:

The body of Christ will be built up: 'in other words, it also means that the people of Christ will receive added value, added strength and added power through our service. And as we serve, our goal must be to attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ through unity in the Faith and in the Knowledge of the Son of God.

Ministry is for everyone in the Body of Christ. Ministry in its original Latin meaning refers to service. We were all called to serve.

Throughout the years the word 'ministry' has been reduced to service done by priests or preachers only. This is a wrong way of seeing the word. God has gifted every believer with gift(s). Utilizing that gift will turn you into a minister whether be at work,in your family, in your church,in your circle of friends, etc...

We are the light of the world, as Jesus said in Matthew 5:14.

Notice that Paul wrote:' equip His people for works of service...'

The Bible does confine the people of Christ to only serve within the Church. It also means that our service can go beyond the four walls of our congregation. If God has called you to be a professor,a doctor,a farmer, a businessman...then serve not only within your church but also where He has placed you in society.

Your light must shine through your works of service so that people may give glory to God after witnessing your service.

It is important that i stressed out one of the real need to have believers working or servicing in society:' back in the old testament, the temple of the Lord was not a commercial entity self sustaining itself like a shop. The temple of the Lord depended on donations, tithes and offerings given by people who were working. Through their donations, the services in the in the House of the Lord were uninterrupted. This would not happen if the entire people of Israel decided on staying in the Temple of the Lord 24/7....

This tradition carries till today:' as you work in society, you are not only representing Christ to the world but you are also doing it as a service to the Body of Christ'. Because you will bring back your tithes and offerings to your local church which will be empowered to spread the Gospel without interruption. Your church is not car sales shop. Your church needs your contribution. So stop seeing your job as a vain occupation... you are also working for the Lord and for His Body.'

Within the church, everybody has also a role to play whether it being an elder,a deacon,an usher,a security, in the media team,in leadership, youth,mentorship,financial partnership, etc...Every body has role in servicing within the body of Christ and not just the preachers (apostles,prophets,evangelists,pastors,teachers).

As we all play our part in ministry, those people benefiting from our service will receive added value and they will be built up. This is what happens to me when an usher greets and leads me to my seat at church; I feel as if his/her service has added something on me...We build up the body of Christ when serve with our financial partnerships (tithes,financial commitments) that allow churches to run and spread the Gospel.

And even when we serve properly in society, the people receiving our services are supposed to receive added value. As Christian judges we ought to preside in courts with integrity. As Christian businessmen-women, we ought to conduct our affairs in a way that adds value to clients and the state without running away from paying taxes. Believers should not find themselves in trouble with the law through tax evasion while Jesus Himself said: 'Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar' (reference Mark 12:13-17).

And as we excel in our service even in society, the light of Christ will shine. It won't be difficult for people to hear the Gospel from us because they will have seen the way we live.Many people out there, refuse to hear the Gospel because they have seen the way some of us live...

During this time of the year many people are making resolutions for change. It is good and I encourage you. But if you are not serving Christ, then you are surely not living on purpose. If you are just living for yourself,if your life decisions are not bigger than yourself, then you are not living on purpose. I invite you to make a commitment to serve in your church and in society. Make it your goal to attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Become like Jesus: serve.

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