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Jesus feeding the crowds:'two different miracles'

For a long time, I always believed that the multiplication of bread was only mentioned once under different versions.

One of the best way for atheists to debate Christians is by relying on their ignorance of the Scriptures.In this context, they (atheists) would brag about how contradictory is the miracle of the bread multiplication by making you believe that there was only one miracle and if you are ignorant of the Scriptures, you will be swayed in their torrents.

This is what we need to know:

A. In Matthew 16:9-10, Jesus Himself confirms having performed two different miracles: 'one out of five loaves of brad and another out of seven loaves of bread. That passage should be our starting point to differentiate the two miracles and in many ways it should end the debate.

B. However, if you wish to investigate the matter deeper then read the passages of Matthew 14:13-21 and Mark 6:30-44 ,Luke 9:10-17 and John 6:1-15 which all record the same miracle where Jesus fed 5000 men, 5 loaves of bread,two fish, and 12 baskets of leftovers. Except for John, all three recordings in the Gospels are found after the death of John the Baptist.

In Mark 8:1-10, Jesus performs a similar miracles and the details included in the passage confirm that the miracle is different from the one mentioned in Mark 6:30-44. These are the details: 'A crowd has been following Jesus for three days, there were about 4000 people, there were seven loaves of bread, Mark does not mention the exact number of fishes available and the disciples gathered seven baskets full of left overs.

At first glance, it may seem confusing but the details reveal the great difference.

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