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'Why some of Jesus teachings centered around little things and little actions'

In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus watches a poor widow giving an offering in the Temple. Pinpointing her to his disciples, Jesus goes on to say that the widow gave out of her own poverty.

She was poor, yet she gave something and it turned out that she was the main character of that specific Biblical section. There were other people giving out of their own wealth but the widow was the main character of that Biblical episode.

In Matthew 25:14-30, the Bible speaks about a Master and three servants who were allocated talents. But watch this: 'the main character of the story is not the servant who had received the most talents but the servant who received the least amount of talents. The entire scope of the parable focuses on the servant who received the least talents.

In Matthew 17:20, Jesus compares supernatural and empowering faith with the size of a mustard seed and not with with size of an avocado seed.

Those three observations, as mentioned above, got me thinking: 'what was Jesus obsession with the little things?'

And then I realize this:

'Jesus centers the focus of many of sayings and parables around little things,little gifts and little actions so that those who possess and have received a little cannot use the size of their possessions or gifts as an excuse not to do the will of God.'

Take note of this:

'In the Kingdom of God according to the parable of the talents, everybody has received a gift from God. And no one is allowed to justify inaction on the basis of a personal belief that considers their gift(s) as too small or insignificant.'

'In life, based on Jesus observation of the widow's offering, every adult church goer has the ability to bring a FINANCIAL offering to the church(notice I did not say: 'time offering').

The widow's offering (Mark 12:41-44) and the episode of the Zarephath widow (1 Kings 17:7-16) were included to inspire the people who constantly use the size of their incomes or salary as an excuse not to give to the Church. It is interesting that the two main characters in the stories mentioned are widows (most likely unemployed) in contrast with people who are young,employed,married who never bother to support their churches financially. This is just some food for thought.

Now lastly, here is a thought: 'faith precedes the power to move mountains. Right?'

When faith reaches the size of a mustard seed, its beholder can move a mountain. So even as faith is in the process of growing to the size of a mustard seed, there are miracles and actions that its beholder can activate.

Now, I say to you:'Your faith MUST grow' but even at the level where you are, you can still slay some giants,flatten some valleys....nevertheless we have to grow our faith through the words of Christ.

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