Make full use of the Grace.
'For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the...
This is how Wisdom gets vindicated.
​ When Jesus came on Earth, the pharisees totally despised Him. That was no secret. When John the Baptist came to precede Jesus, the...
To what can we compare the Kingdom of God
With what can we compare the Kingdom of God? In Mark 4:26-32, Jesus responds to the above question by bringing comparative parables:...
How can Jesus be the driver of your life (a secret to his manifest presence)
One day, Jesus , after living for approximately 33 or 34 years on Earth, goes back to His Father in Heaven but before leaving, He left...
Work the forest of your life (encouragements)
Do we have a say on everything we receive? Think of this: ' God created Adam only after He had brought the world to light. If Adam was...
Your moment of temptation is only temporal
(This post is an extract from my new book: 'Wake up with a purpose: 34 devotionals to live the calling of Jesus with discipline and...
Detach yourself through generosity
As sons and daughters of the Kingdom from above, we cannot afford to sink our heart in our earthly possessions. The attachment we...
You are free to decide. Choose right.
A lot can be said about the will of God. In the Book of Genesis 3, the Bible reports the story of the first sin: 'Adam and Eve who were...
The link between family and dominion
We sometimes fail to experience our blessings simply because we fail to respect the order of God. In Genesis 1: 28, God says to Adam and...
The requirements of your Heavenly citizenship
How can righteous living be explained? If you have been saved, you are a believer and you have received the gift of righteousness from...